Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Remodel: Beginning of Day 12

The guys aren't even here yet, but I wanted to post that the paper said we got "over 2 inches of rain" in yesterday's storm. I'm not surprised that we got water in.

And so the clean-up continues.

Some more pictures of continued damage

the spot(s) on the kids' room ceiling have morphed together and are still spreading:
what used to be a small crack at the corner in the kitchen has opened up a LOT:
water spot in the hallway near a crack that widened:
more water damage along a crack in the hall:
the bathroom door still will only shut this far:And there's a crack the length of the bathroom ceiling (wasn't there before) with stains all along it:

Oh, and the SMELL! It smells very, very damp. I wish we had a fireplace--that would be great to dry things up and get rid of the smell. We ran a fan all day on the first floor, but the basement is disgusting.