In the morning, they hung sheetrock over the entire ceiling in the "existing bedroom":

and got the ceiling done in the new bedroom:

They also got a lot of drywall hung in the bedroom on the walls,

And in addition to cleaning up the mess downstairs, they hung sheetrock to fix the dining room:

Tomorrow there will be significantly more cleanup as they suck out wet and potentially wet vermiculite from the rest of the ceilings, and cut sections of the ceiling out to check for damage. At least we'll be rid of that awful, awful vermiculite... (bright side, bright side...)
Man, I cannot believe what's been happening at your house! Wow.
If this makes you feel any better, the actual remodel seems to be going quickly and is looking really nice.
Did that help at all? ;)
You are such a positive person! And you deserve a perfect house because of it - it will be perfect soon!
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