It's impossible to describe my dad in a single blog entry, but he was a fantastic carpenter, an excellent cook, and an all-around smart guy.
I can't take pictures of all the things he fixed or helped/guided G. in fixing in our house. Here are two things that he built for my kids--a rocking horse as C's Big Sister gift, and a sidewalk cruiser for T:

I looked back through all my digital pictures and I don't have a lot of my dad--he was always kinda there, but in the background. But here are a few.
At our house, reading with T:

Watching Uncle S. play a game with C--probably giving "helpful advice" as they play:

At their house, the summer he was diagnosed, with my mom's extended family:

Filling up the Farmall Cub (his pride and joy) so G. can take the kids for a ride:

And the last picture we have of him, taken a few days before he went into the hospital--and the only picture we have of him with M.

His death is not a raw loss anymore, but there's not a week that goes by where I don't think "I wish I could show this to Dad!" or "I wish I could ask Dad about this" or even "I remember how Dad would..."
We're thinking about you today, Dad. M. and I made nitrate sandwiches for lunch and talked about all the good things you used to cook.
awww .... it'll be four years this summer since my dad died, and also not a week goes by that i don't think those things either.
What a lovely tribute to your dad and the memories you will always carry in your heart. I'm thinking of you (AND that ceiling, too!). Hugs and kisses, little sis.
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