Here's the bottom of the shower stall, in place:

and the back of the shower stall (along with Dave, our plumber):

They finished the roof, except for flashing the chimney and then putting the ridge on:

And then some demolition...
This is what the stairwell looked like before:
looking down

looking up (the lower part is only 5'4"--that would be tough for moving furniture in!

and inside the room:

And after the demolition:

from outside the room--you can see the new door frame, too--36" this time!
And the final big change for the day--the third window (which would have been right over our bed) was moved over one stud (to make room for the plumbing vent) and shrunk in half (who needs that much light over your bed?), but made big enough that we can put the air conditioner in it:

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