I spoke with the contractor this weekend and he has a meeting with the village inspector tomorrow (Tuesday) to go over our plan and do the best to insure that it will pass the Architechtural Review Board, which meets next on March 6th. If the Board okays it, I think the construction/demolition begins almost right away!
Of course I'm anxious for things to get started (so that they can be completed), but at the same time, it makes much more sense to wait a little while, since we'll have a humongous hole in our roof for at least a few days, and it would be insane to attempt to heat our house with January temps! (if you don't follow the news/weather, it's been insanely cold here the last three weeks--the kids missed two days of school due to dangerously cold temps and we had several days where the HIGH temperature didn't get above zero Fahrenheit).
However, it sunk in that we have potentially only 2 1/2 weeks before things get started, and that we have a few very busy weekends ahead. So yesterday, we moved everything out of the attic space. You saw the before pictures here, with all our stuff in storage. Now check this out:

(those first two are the small attic, at the top of the stairs; these three are the bigger attic--where the bathroom and big part of the bedroom will be)

And it was finally warm enough to take the "before" picture outdoors. This whole section of roof will be raised:

UPDATE: Just got off the phone with the contractor. We'll get our double shower (in lieu of an oversized whirlpool tub--insanely expensive!) for $200 over bid (not bad). He says the permits usally arrive a day or two after approval at the architechtural meeting, so his plan is to order materials the day after the meeting in anticipation of starting a day or two after that. YIKES! That puts a potential start date of March 8th! wow! He also will start with the plumbing since the bathroom is going in the existing part of the attic, so they don't need to rip open the roof at that point. :)
1 comment:
Very exciting! You've been hard at work - I can relate to having to clean out spaces.
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