First, one of a series of three MDK ballband dishcloths--I want to rotate pink, purple and blue in each.

Then my socks for ME, using the yarn my dye-o-rama pal made (just turned the heels!)

Then my sock savior socks (which will go to someone else since the originals turned up!)

Parts of a Flying Spaghetti Monster tree-topper (no need for that till November):

The wee beginnings of another felted Booga Bag:

And while I'm listing everything, most of a fun fur scarf that was started over 6 months ago, when the only "easy" knitting I could handle was still scarves:

Hi bfmomma, I'm commenting here on the S&C score blog I posted on the MDK KAL. As I'm in Texas, I don't know if they'd be having it in Wisconsin. I'd call your store before you go!
You're so obviously cut out to be a "real" knitter it's not funny. Let's see . . . increasingly complex projects? Check. Socks fetish? Check. Dyeing? Check. Multiple WIPs? Check.
Can spinning be far behind?
Thanks for the nice comment you left me on M/D KAL. Sorry I didn't respond sooner. Forgot to see if I had any.
Very cool projects going on. Especially the FSM!
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