Don't you love the uniforms? Of the hundreds of combinations of uniform colors, both of them got red and black. At least they're opposites. Successful day: C's team won 6 to 5 and T's team won 4 to 2.
Today was also the first day of gymnastics. M started with the 5 year olds. They're doing some tougher stuff! She had a tough time putting everything together to do the vault and they had the kids doing more elaborate stuff on the bar, too. She was SO excited, though.

The worst thing about fall sports is that, for almost all the Saturdays, all three kids have their stuff (soccer games; gymnastics) at the same or overlapping times. What are the odds? For example, today M had gymnastics from 10:15 to 11:00; C had her game at 11:00 (get there 20 minutes early) and T had his game at 11:30 (get there 20 minutes early). How do people with more than two kids do it? :)
Yoiks. We carpool with other team members when that stuff happens, or divide and conquer a lot. But that scheduling thing is the reason I've always held to my One Sport Per Season rule.
The kids look great! Mine are both red and black, too, but our whole town is that combo (with white jerseys for home games).
They look adorable, and M really seems to have that gymnast's body.
We do have trouble with schedules. If Thing 1 couldn't get herself to fencing, it would really stink. As it is, right now games are on opposite weekend days and because of homeschooling, we can try to schedule some optional things like piano during the week.
Argh. It's only going to get worse. Thank goodness we're in a bike-friendly area!
Ugh - that scheduling stuff is so tough. We're really having trouble figuring out how to get everyone where they need to go since we only have one car. The kids all look adorable, though. :)
Kayli and Aidan are in soccer this year too. They love it! We often have to in list the help of the in-laws to get all our kids to their activites. We are so blessed that the live nearby and are willing to help out.
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