Monday, October 02, 2006

Goodbye, Girl Scouts

Friday night was C's last Girl Scout outing with her troop, and my last outing as leader of her troop. Some of the girls may continue on with the neat, new program called Studio 2B, where they work on their own and earn charms (instead of the badges/patches), but we've disbanded as a group.

Some pics from the last outing:

And I finished sewing on the last of C's earned badges and patches, so here's a look at her Junior Girl Scout sash:


Cindy said...

Nice pictures! I bet there were a lot of mixed feelings at that last meeting.

Talia's troop isn't going to disband anytime soon. The two 6th grade troops merged and are now a troop of about 10. They plan to do bridging this spring over the Golden Gate Bridge. I don't see her giving up Girl Scouts for a very long time.

Abby said...

Congratulations to C for all those great badges!