Just a quick post to let you all (ha ha... "all" three of you who read my blog) know why I haven't been posting much. My mom has been visiting since Friday (we're shopping up a storm and "saving" money all over the place!) and we'll be driving her home this Thursday, and staying through Saturday. My online time has been lessened (didn't even realized I'd been bouncing on my yahoo groups for who-knows-how-long), but I'm trying to keep up with reading, if not replying. I've been taking pictures of our meals and will catch up with those recipes--SOME day!
Until then, here's a picture of G & I:

And one of my baby brother :) and his...uh...friend:

The more you spend, the more you save! Are you at least knitting?
Nice pic of you and G! I think I have that exact same sweater. :) I'm glad to hear you're having a good time with your mom - definitely more important than keeping up with your blog.
nice photo! lol about Um, friend. Is it not official or something? She's lovely.
Okay, I guess you have FOUR people who read your blog, lol. Hope you're enjoying your visit with your mom!
Make that five! I think *you're* my one and only reader. lol Love that long black sweater!!
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