Yippeee! And I didn't even have to miss part of M's birthday (tomorrow) to go!
I got:
BIG packs of red napkins reg. $4.99 for $0.49 each
Gift boxes (robe, shirt, assorted, patterned and plain) $1.99 for $0.19 each
Hershey's Kissables (I'll use the red and white for V-day cookies and the green for St. Pat's day cookies) reg. $2.79 for $0.27 each minus $0.75 each, so less than free!
Coloring/activity books in disney theme reg. $3.99 for $0.39 each
cook square snowflake plate reg. $3.99 for $0.39
Penguin kitchen towels reg. $2.99 for $0.29
Penguin potholders reg. $2.99 for $0.29
Big pack of plastic dinosaurs for M's treat bags reg. $5 for $1.25
Sponge Bob treat bags for M's birthday party reg. $1.99 for $0.19
Tiny black clutch purse reg. $12.99 for $1.29
Cranium Sounds of the Seashore reg. $16.99 for $4.24
1 last roll of giftwrap reg. $4.99 (it's velvety) for $0.49
Far Side Page-A-Day calendar reg. $9.99 for $0.99
3 big plastic glasses reg. $1.99 $0.19 each
2 Xmas tshirts reg. $5.00 for $0.50 each
Xmas jammies reg. $12.99 for $1.29
Santa hats for Suzee reg. $3.99 for $0.39
(several gifts that will not be mentioned here, for 75-90% off)
Regular prices: $193.78
I paid: $19.30
wooo hooo!!!
OUCH. I missed the Target 90% off this year. Actually I was in town, so could have gone, but had to work and couldn't afford to take the time off. Bummer. I do so enjoy the thrill. Plus one of my coworkers (she is visually impaired and has to use public transportation) counts on me to pick up cards for her (she gives one to every client where we work and with her own friends and family that ends up being over 300 cards). Sigh. At least we have enough wrapping paper to last for a few years. ;-) Hopefully I'll make it next year.
So cool! I went yesterday but it was too late - all that was left was one end-cap of junk. :(
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