My kids' school district follows the "Social Studies Alive!" curriculum and I'm pretty impressed with it.
One of the cool activities that C's class participated in was an Opet Festival to celebrate the culmination of the unit on Egypt. They mummified cornish game hens, and played Senet, and dressed the part for the big feast. Some pics of C's costume:

we did a lot on ancient egypt last year -- i love ancient history. chicken mummies, what fun! we were going to do that, but then i decided that wasn't the best thing to have lying around with a then 1 year old. :)
this is C
belive me, you would NOT want to mummifie hens at home,the whole 6th grade area STUNK, and we did better than most years!
That is so cool. I keep trying to get my kids to mummify something. . .
if you want an easer way to mumifie something, what one of my friends( m1 ) did was to mumifie a barbie by washing it and wraping it.(this is C)
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