Sunday, January 07, 2007

The Christmas of knit gifts

Now that everything's been gifted, I can finally post pictures of the stuff I knit for gifts this year.

Knitty Pasha the Penguin for C:

Pokemon intarsia, sewn onto a sweatshirt, for T:

Earflap hat and mittens for C., to match her new winter jacket:

Earflap hat and mittens for M., to match her hand-me-round jacket:

Socks for my brother:

Knucks (Fetching) for my mom:
(she's wearing them in this picture, too)

And lots and lots of dishcloths (not pictured).


RawMilkStar said...

OH wow!! Wow!! Such beautiful knitted things. You are such a good knitter!! The only thing I've ever knit have been scarves and *one* sock. Not even a pair yet. Thanks for sharing!

Stefaneener said...

You were so incredibly productive. That intarsia is stunning.


Abby said...

Beautiful! It would take me ages to knit that much stuff!