Here's the finished, washed, blocked socks, along with the yarn left from one skein (My sock pal wanted shorter length socks):

Here's a close-up of the pattern on the leg:

And here's a picture of DH modeling them (my sock pal has feet larger than mine, so I couldn't try them on!)

Now the details:
KnitPicks Color Your Own Sock Yarn, dyed with Wilton paste coloring in moss green, brown and orange, dyed in my microwave by dipping portions into mason jars of each color.
Essentially the two-at-once on one 40" circular needle pattern found at: I used a size 2 needle and made them with 64 stitches around and knit just as the pattern said (including the reinforced heel) until the leg part. I then decreased back to 60 stitches and used the zigzag stitch, as explained on October 4th in 365 Knitting Stitches a Year . I finished with a K1P1 ribbing.
Although I still don't care for the colors (I'm not a brown and orange person ;)), I like the way the colors formed a pattern of sorts. I'm amazed that the socks look reasonably alike (more identical than fraternal). Finally, I like the scrunch kind of appearance that the pattern made. I hope my sock pal likes them!
Congratulations! Your pal will love that you dyed the yarn just for her!
These are gorgeous!
oops. last comment was from me, michelle a.
Wow, those colors are so unique - really different. I was going to ask what yarn it was and then you said you dyed it yourself. Way cool! They came out so great!
You did such a good job and I really love the colors! Congrats on finishing!
They're lovely! Definitely *not* beginner-level sock knitting, either. :)
They look great! I love the pattern that the colors make. And how cool to dye the yarn yourself! I'm sure your pal will love them.
They are lovely! Not my favorite colors either, but for someone who likes that combo they're perfect. I kinda gave up on socks after my bigfoot-sized attempt, but maybe next year...
SO not beginner. They are super!
What's next?
Lucky SP!! Your yarn is gorgeous, and for a beginner, you do much more adventurous stuff than I do! Come and visit and teach me the 2 at once trick, okay?
Great great socks.
I think the colours are gorgeous!!!!!! I can't believe you dyed them yourself!
Crazy, those are so beautiful! Not beginner!!!!
great socks!
btw, you asked about the forethought heel on my blog. he he he, i most certainly DID NOT make it up myself. i'm lucky i can knit at all with this pregtard brain of mine. it's out of the sensational knitted socks book. but thanks!
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