Wednesday, April 12, 2006

A Quick Little Post

How is it that nothing exciting has been going on lately, and yet I'm insanely busy?

OK, first things first:
C. got her own blog! You can check it out if you'd like.

Both C. and T. auditioned for parts in the Children's Choir for Evita at a local community theater. We should hear if they got in by Thursday.

I have not knit much for the last few weeks. I have, however, been stocking up on wool to make felted purses. So at some point I'll get going on the actual knitting of said purses.

M. has learned what it is that three-year-olds actually do. That is, my other two woke up on their third birthdays and became utterly unreasonable people. Three was a very hard year! I had forgotten when T. turned three, but was braced all along for when M. turned three. Then I kidded myself into believing that, since she'd been a difficult 2YO that three wasn't going to be so bad. And for 2 1/2 months that was true. However, this week she has decided that she should be contradictory--about EVERYTHING. Let me just say that I'm tired!

And with that, I'm heading out to tutor (have a daytime student who is homebound) and I will attempt to find something interesting to post about in the near future. Either that, or I will just put lots of pictures... OH! That reminds me... I can trade in my cell phone for a new one. I'm thinking of getting a camera phone if for no other reason than to be able to post strange pics on my blog. How sad is *my* life? :)


Anonymous said...

Your life isn't sad! I hope you do post some cameraphone pics.

I'm doing that same delusion - hoping this very diffcult 2yo period is reason for an easier 3yo year. As if.

mamafitz said...

hey momma! fun to find your blog, the kidlets are so grown up (i guess that happens year after year, doesn't it?).
